الهنود يطالبون بمقاطعة ماليزيا بعد أن زعم رئيس وزرائها أن كشمير "محتلة"
There may be reasons for this action but it is still wrong. The problem must be solved by peaceful means. India should work with Pakistan to resolve this problem. Ignoring the UN would lead to other forms of disregard for the UN and the Rule of Law. pic.twitter.com/QOQtIkPTC1
— Dr Mahathir Mohamad (@chedetofficial) September 28, 2019
Malaysia !! Time to take Palm Oil tariffs up & imports to ZERO ! https://t.co/1Jsmt0z0TV
— Navroop Singh (@NavroopSingh_) September 28, 2019
Dear @narendramodi , you need to choose between Turkey and Malaysia and make an example of it - it should be a direct, hard economics driven move - not some 20th-century style subtle diplomatic murmur of disapproval https://t.co/fxE06XTjJy
— Opinion Bakery (@IndiaSpeaksPR) September 28, 2019
So it's #Turkey, #Malaysia & #China . Looks like #kualalumpur is going to lose billions of dollars in Palm Oil exports to Indonesia soon. https://t.co/WG1M1WC73s
— Ninjamonkey (@Aryanwarlord) September 28, 2019